To inform, educate, engage and advocate for the Greater Brawley Business Community regarding relevant public policy.
The Chamber of Commerce for Greater Brawley Governmental Affairs Committee (GAC) is committed to informing and educating the businesses of Greater Brawley regarding relevant legislative and regulatory issues. The Greater Brawley Chamber GAC’s fundamental role includes advocating the views of the business community to our elected officials on public policy and legislation on the local, state and federal level that might have an impact on the business community.
The GAC is a dynamic volunteer committee of Chamber Ambassadors, Chamber Board Members and business leaders who meet monthly to guide the Chamber of Commerce for Greater Brawley in its public policy positions, such as representing the best interests of business through candidate forums, public policy speakers and providing grassroots network support. It is essential that local government adopt a pro-business culture that promotes the growth of business and expedites its development.
The Chamber of Commerce for Greater Brawley GAC'S does not endorse political candidates or parties, nor does it offer sponsorship opportunities for promoting a particular political candidate.
2022 Candidate Forums